
McCutcheon Air Conditioning and Heating Blog

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NBC2 investigates the claim that FPL is deceiving you

By now you’ve probably received several different official-looking letters offering you air conditioning and heating, electrical, plumbing, and other home services from what appears to be Florida Power & Light (FPL).

Don’t be fooled. These letters are actually coming from FPL “Energy Services”.

Recently, FPL, the largest utility in the state and the 3rd largest in the country, purchased Jupiter-Tequesta Air Conditioning, Plumbing and Electrical and re-branded it as FPL Energy Services. Now, this unregulated subsidiary is leveraging the ratepayer-funded assets of its state-regulated parent and improperly accessing the data of millions of FPL customers to offer them a variety of services.

The Florida Public Service Commission has cautioned FPL against misrepresenting the communications of its unregulated subsidiaries and the MEP Coalition for Fair Competition (MEP), a statewide small business alliance established in opposition to FPL’s expansion into the for-profit home services market, claims that FPL is using predatory pricing and leveraging their corporate resources in order to “decimate the small business owners and contractors who offer these services locally.”

MEP believes that FPL aims to force small community-based contractors out of business and that, once they have succeeded, “FPL will be free to hold a monopoly position in these new industries, destroying competition and raising prices as they see fit.”

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